
Today a large number of Debian mailinglists has been mysteriously
subscribed to an equal number of yahoogroups e-mail groups.

This is clearly against your acceptable use policy for yahoogroups.
Please take action against the people involved.


There have been others... but I had allready deleted these mails

If it would be possible for you to make it impossible that e-mail
adresses at host lists.debian.org be subscribed to yahoogroups.com lists
it would make us realy happy.

Mark Janssen     Unix / Linux, Open-Source and Internet Consultant @ SyConOS IT
E-mail: mark(at)markjanssen.nl / maniac(at)maniac.nl     GnuPG Key Id: 357D2178
Web: Maniac.nl Unix-God.[Net|Org] MarkJanssen.[com|net|org|nl] SyConOS.[com|nl]

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