* Christian Schoenebeck ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020214 08:59]:
> I've compiled and installed both, the nvidia kernel module and the nvidia
> glx driver. Now what do I have to do, getting X to use that driver? I
> reconfigured XF86Config as described in the README. I exchanged the svga
> line by:
>     driver    "nvidia"
> and added:
>     Load    "glx"

Also make sure you comment out the Load "dri" and Load "GLCore" lines.

> to the Module Section. But when I try to start X, it just says Driver
> "nvidia" would be no recognized name. So what else do I have to do?

For starters, you can check that the driver is there. If the nvidia-glx
package (the one you built) is installed, you can use dpkg -L nvidia-glx
to see a list of its files. One of them should be
/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o . Check that that file is
actually there. If it's not, did you remember to install the .deb after
you built it? I've forgotten that once or twice in the past...

good times,

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