
Time to get news going on my machine.  I want an offline mail
reading system that can dial in via my isp to collect news from
local server (news.saix.net i think).

I have been looking thru dselect for in packages opt-news and see
quite a variety. It seems that I should install packages to get,
send, and read mail.

The system runs in console mode.

On my W98 m/c I am used to FreeAgent which allows me to easily
select and change newsgroups of interest. Generally I have specific
ones that I always read, some that I occasionally read, and some
that I have a quick look at and then discard. I am used to
downloading the headers at one go and then reconnecting to download
selected messages and sending my own posts. Local calls cost here so
the aim is to operate offline as much as possible and I do not want to
download unecessary messages that may never be read.

If I am offline then I need to spool the news, and slrn with
slrnpull looks like a likely choice.

Should I go ahead and install these packages or is there a better

Gnus looks like it needs XEmacs so that is out.

newsx looks like it will download articles to a local mail spool,
but what does that 'x' mean?

inn seems to be the preferred Debian choice, so perhaps I should go
for that, but it mentions trn which is not on my distribution, and
looks like it is perhaps intended for providing for the needs of
more than a single user.

.... and then I see leafnode, which is also probably also for a
multi-user network.

Can someone please cut through the fog and talk me into a sensible
selection please.


-- Ian Balchin http://www.imaginet.co.za/fables This
machine is running Debian GNU/Linux ... http://www.debian.org

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