>>"Colin" == Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Colin> I don't know why it was originally adopted, but I can tell you
 Colin> why I think it's a good idea. If you're working on a shared
 Colin> project with another user, you'll want to make sure those
 Colin> files are group-writeable.  If you have all users in the same
 Colin> group, then it's not safe for any user to have umask 002 by
 Colin> default, because everybody will be able to write to all the
 Colin> files in their home directory. On the other hand, they'll have
 Colin> to remember to use umask 002 when working on shared files,
 Colin> because otherwise those files will only be writeable by them.

 Colin> With one group per user, umask 002 is safe. All the files in
 Colin> your home directory can be group-writeable, and it makes no
 Colin> difference - but when you go to work on a shared project you
 Colin> don't have to remember to switch the umask over.

        This is indeed one of the reasons, perhaps the one that tipped
 the balance when this was being decided (and redebated and

 Navvies channel water, fletchers fashion arrows, and carpenters work
 on wood, but the good disciple themselves. 145
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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