On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 05:03:13PM -0600, McGillan, Patrick wrote:
> Hi,
> I had to back my laptop off from Woody back to the stable version.
> Everything seems to work, except only root is allowed in. In fact, even
> though there is a root passwd, it doesn't ask for it when I enter root for
> user name and hit enter. 

I don't like the sound of that (I presume that you *had* a root password :-)

What does
    # pwck -r
say ?

>                          Any attempt to login in as a normal user, goes no
> where. I also note that when attempting to login as someone else, it always
> says please wait while system is starting, before returning the login
> prompt.
> Looked at the inittab file, but didn't see any problem there, where else
> should I look?

Does /etc/nologin or /etc/nologin.boot exist? They would prevent people
from logging in (exception).

# grep nologin /etc/init.d/*

may also provide some clues.

Karl E. Jørgensen
==== Today's fortune:
You cannot have a science without measurement.
                -- R. W. Hamming

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