I am at a loss as how to install Gnome from the testing distribution. At first I installed the x-window-system and gnome from stable by issuing

apt-get install task-x-window-system-core task-x-window-system task-gnome-desktop

this worked fine but I need the X-Server from testing to support my video card so i switched to testing and issued

apt-get install xerver-xfree86

unfortunately it decided it was going to remove my gnome desktop and several other components. Is gnome only available in stable? Before I managed to lose my installation I could just issue the first apt-get statement in testing and it would do everything for me. Could someone give me some pointers as to what I need to issue to apt to install my gnome desktop and be able to use XFree86 4.x please?

One other question, I use a 56k modem and apt is painfully slow at retrieving the files, ~1.5kb per second. Is there anything I can do (apart from getting broardband) to improve the download speed? I'm using the fastest mirror I could find.

Sorry this is such a long message. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Richard Sweeney

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