The new mozilla-browser, version 0.9.7-6, package, has a "user friendly" print 
As it works with my lprng package, I am left with only a default selection,
so menus offer no alternatives.
And menu clicking within Mozilla offers no way to add another printer choice.
Before, we could enter
   lpr -P lex
or even something like
   mpage -P lex
Now we have no choice of printers and no way to change the choice,
except outside the mozilla application.

We can still, I gather, alter the default printer before starting mozilla,
   export PRINTER=lex
and more investigation showed that we can also,
   export  MOZILLA_PRINTER_LIST="lex  hpcolor"
This latter setting now gives you a "user friendly" choice of two printers.
So, I put this in my  ~/.bashrc

This new Mozilla approach to printing is less flexible.
Unless a user is satisfied with the default printer, this new approach also 
requires more up-front altering of .bashrc
So, this approach is generally less flexible and less friendly.

Or, did I miss CUPS or some other approach to using Mozilla?

Jameson C. Burt, NJ9L   Fairfax, Virginia, USA
(202) 690-0380 (work)

You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it.
-- G.K. Chesterton

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