Hi all,

I am running samba 2.0.8 on a potato system.  I have samba shares set up
on my linux machine, and from another linux machine 'smbclient -L pinky'
reports this:

Domain=[NEW] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.0.8]

        Sharename      Type      Comment
        ---------      ----      -------
        homes          Disk      Home Directories
        printers       Printer   All Printers
        IPC$           IPC       IPC Service (pinky server (Samba 2.0.8))
        lp             Printer   Generic dot-matrix printer entry
        tkcook         Disk      Home Directories

        Server               Comment
        ---------            -------
        PINKY                pinky server (Samba 2.0.8)

        Workgroup            Master
        ---------            -------

So, so far as I can see, the smbd configuration is good.  But when I
attempt to connect from a windoze box, so my users can see their UNIX
home dirs, I get problems.  When I try to list available shares I get an
authentication failure, and I keep on getting it no matter what username
and password I put in, except guest, which gives the error 'account
currently disabled'.  I have done nothing to disable this account, and I
can see no line in the smb.conf file that might disable it.  Has anyone
come across this before?


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