On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 04:26:22PM -0600, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
> I want to start backing up my postgres database for phpgroupware but
> I am clueless as far as postgressql.
> Where is the database kept?

dpkg -L postgresql shows that postgresql creates /var/lib/postgres,
and the databases are stored in the 'data' directory under that. 

> What extentions or names do I search for to find the databases?

Back up everything under /var/lib/postgres/data, and be sure to
preserve permissions and ownership when you do. You'll want to read
http://www.postgresql.org/idocs/index.php?backup.html before running a
backup -- and be sure to note the caveat about shutting the database
down if you're going to perform backups at the system level instead of
using the tools that Postgres provides.


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ozymandias G desiderata     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     desperate, deathless
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