* martin f krafft ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Feb 12. 2002 03:04]:

> spamassassin has been restructured and updated. if you decide to
> update your system, be sure to test thoroughly. it will *not* work out
> of the box in all cases.

I don't get this new structure woody's starting to use with some
configuration files being moved to /etc/default.. I was satisfied with
everything(?) being stuffed in /etc/{package}.

But, FWIW, I ran into the same problem with spamassassin and had to move
my old .cf to /etc/spamassassin/local.cf and it seemed to go OK. (This
was a few days ago.)

Also, the scoring /seemed/ to be a little less agressive.

Brian Clark | Debian GNU/Linux: 3950 packages to keep you busy.
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