--- tluxt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am particularly concerned about ensuring apt-get upgrade works properly,
> and simply - ie,
>   not having extra-normal things to do for the person doing the upgrade.
> ================================================================
> From the following references section, it seems that the immediately
> following procedure might do this, but I have some concerns:
>   /etc/apt/apt.conf gets the following line:
>     APT::Default-Release "testing";
> ...
>   And, to install a package do:
>     apt-get install <package>/unstable
>   [in my case:
>     apt-get install kde/unstable]
> is a very simple way to get the correct packages installed.
> My main as yet unanswered concern is:
> Will that also do the upgrade of packages properly?

I could have been clearer there.  I might better have said:
Will the above procedure allow upgrades to be done properly by doing:

  apt-get update
  apt-get upgrade

[Also: will apt (or other) programs that show what programs are installed
on the system work properly with the above procedure?]

> That's my main question.  What's the answer?

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