Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
> Hi!,
> ok, I messed up with my potato system. It is a dual boot system, windoze + 
> debian. Windoze was in hda1 and the root filesystem of debian in hda2. I 
> needed to increase the windoze partition. I used partition magic for doing 
> it. 
> But in order to keep the debian's root filesystem  within the 2GB boot limit 
> I 
> swapped the windoze and debian's root partition. So that, now the debian's 
> root partition is hda1 and windoze is hda2. I use a boot manager, so I can 
> choose from what partition boot the system. But I can't boot debian now. I 
> guess 
> it is because the /etc/fstab file still contains the old information 
> regarding the partitions. I think that the solution is to edit the /etc/fstab 
> file and write the correct new partition information. But I don't 
> have a boot floppy. How can I make a generic boot floppy in order to boot 
> debian and modify the /etc/fstab file? my system can't boot from cd. I will 
> make the boot floppy from another debian machine.

You could use tomsrtbt. You can install it to a floppy from linux or from
Windows. Just boot it up, mount /dev/hda1 and edit /etc/fstab. You will need
a rudimentary knowledge of vi to do the editing.

tomsrtbt has saved me several times. It's a permanent part of my toolbox.

David Raeker-Jordan
Harrisburg, PA, USA

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