On Thursday 31 January 2002 10:10 am, Liam Black wrote: > Did I neglect to mention that I also tried "rescue root="? Well, that's my > problem that I didn't mention it, I guess. > > I tried linux root= because I noted that "linux" was specified as the > default argument, and thought that might work. I've tried both. Let me > re-iterate that: I've tried both. > > Oh, and that I'm installing from a hard drive partition because there's a > section in the Debian installation manual that says "Installing from an > existing linux partition". > > If it said "YOU SHOULD ONLY INSTALL FROM FLOPPIES OR YOU'RE A LOSER", > perhaps I would have elected to install from floppy images. Perhaps I still > will, if you're at all representative of the helpfulness of people on this > list. > > regards(?) > liam black
he's not representative of the usual response you can expect, and is probably just having a bad day for reasons of his own--which doesn't, in any case, excuse his rudeness. give a bit more information about the environment your working with and more people will be able to respond helpfully. it does seem like you're going the hard way about the task. ben