Hello all,
I've run into a strange thing that I know I've seen discussed before,
but I can't find it in the archives right now. The following:
mkisofs -o image.iso -R /cdrom
fails with:
'File size limit exceeded' at exactly 102400000 bytes every time.
Now I know it's possible to have larger files, because I've downloaded
them (ah, the joys of broadband, but I digress).  I don't see an
option for file size in mkisofs, although it's quite long and I may
have missed it skimming through for somethig like that.  dd fails at
the same point, as well.  Could this be an architecture problem passed
to the programs at compile time?
In case it matters:
Linux gashuffer 2.4.17 #1 Sun Dec 23 19:30:15 EST 2001 i686 unknown
Up to date Woody as of this morning.
He who enters his wife's dressing room is a philosopher or a fool.
                -- Balzac

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