(pls Cc me on replies, I'm not subscribed for a few weeks, tnx) On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 17:21:54 EST, Faheem Mitha writes: >> Of course I un-muted everything according to the FAQ.
> Did you unmute everything? First of all I went with http://www.alsa-project.org/~jfulmer/alsa-faq.html (2.8): amixer set Master on amixer set PCM on amixer set Master 75% amixer set PCM 75% Then I un-muted (and set to "max") _every_thing. > I was playing around with alsamixer > yesterday, and I noticed that you don't want to unmute everything. > There is one setting you *don't* want to unmute. If you do so, no > sound will come out. I don't remember which channel this was, but it > one of the ones at the end (last two or three). Actually, I noticed > there were only two settings (in alsamixer) that I needed to unmute, > and of course you have to raise the level. One of these was the first > channel (master) and the other was PCM (I think). Try unmuting only > those and raising the level and see if you get sound. A reboot fixed it for me, and if I'd know why, I'd be much happier (because with the new box I'd like uptimes as with the old one: from power-outage to power-outage). cheers, &rw -- -- "I'm attracted by the potential for reckless abuse of power." -- - Dogbert (Adams)
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