Hello, Thanks to all the helpful input i got, i finally managed to do not start at the graphical login prompt by default! :D I thought to send it to the list in case anyone else is having this problem, its pretty easy actually:
as root, just go to /etc/rc2.d once there, just "mv S99xdm offS99xdm", and do the same with S99gdm (in case you have it there too) Now just go to /etc/init.d/ and as above, just "mv xdm offxdm", and same with gdm if applicable. This worked like a charm for me, now it leaves me at the beautiful text login, and i can either type "gdm", or "xdm" or just the plain ol' "startx" to get my X. :) Maybe this is not the best way to do it, but it worked for me, and maybe it'll work for other people as well. Cheers, Camilo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Nunca pierdas la santa curiosidad" -Albert Einstein Registered Linux User #231105 http://counter.li.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------