Hey, I'd like to write something good about debian. Er, iT rocKs the house! Your hardware is more apt to break than debian. Debian has to be one of, if not the, most stable OSs on the Planet. I have been using debian for quite some time and have had my ups and downs with computers, but not debian. The community is great...
Where can I post my praise and PR about debian and, of course, linux? If more people would only know about the simplicity of this system (Should that have been spelled with a capital S) then i am sure that this Amazing OS would amaze us even the more so. Sincerely, J. Paul Bruns-Bielkowicz http://www.america.prv.pl ----- Original Message ----- From: "Karl M. Hegbloom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <debian-commercial@lists.debian.org>; <debian-consultants@lists.debian.org>; <debian-doc@lists.debian.org>; <debian-publicity@lists.debian.org>; <debian-user@lists.debian.org> Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 7:14 PM Subject: Why don't we every see Debian articles on these sites? > [ Sorry for sending this to so many lists; I want to reach a wider > audience. ] > > I would really like to see articles touting Debian GNU/Linux on sites > like this one: > > <URL:http://techupdate.zdnet.com/techupdate/filters/rc/0,14177,6020498,00.ht ml> > > The commercial distributions hire PR writers to write press release > articles that are submitted for publication on sites like zdnet.com. > It would be very awesome if someone would get a little writing > practice out of creating an article about Debian! We are as good as > or better than the commercial distributions, but the suits won't hire > folks from the Debian consultants page unless they know Debian exists > and see it as a viable alternative to the commercial distributions. > > Any tech/business writing students out there using Debian GNU/Linux? > How about writing an (a series of?) article(s) and see if you can get > "paid" by submitting it for a grade in your writing class? Any > professors out there who are Debian afficionados? Please assign > stuff like this! Anyone using Debian on the job or to solve > consulting problems? Write us an article! > > Code matters more than commercials, but nobody will use it if they > don't know it exists or don't take it seriously. Perhaps the > consultants listed on the Debian web site could toss some cash in a > hat and pay a good PR person part time? (I really like the Progeny > "built on strength" slogan. It's the perfect counter to the RHAT > "Red Hat District" article. Enjoy a virtual workout today! Water > please.) > > In particular, this article is the sort of thing that decision makers > who control the purse strings are going to like the sound of... note > the emphasis on monetary cost and value provided! > > <URL:http://techupdate.zdnet.com/techupdate/stories/main/0,14179,2841690,00. html> > > Why don't I write it? Because I'm just not any good at that sort of > thing. I have little business experience and don't come off well > trying to talk about that type of thing. I hate neckties. One of > you will be much better at it than I. > > -- > mailto: (Karl M. Hegbloom) [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Free the Software http://www.debian.org/social_contract > http://www.microsharp.com > phone://USA/WA/360-260-2066 > > > -- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] >