hi ya paul

my crack at moving stuff off of yahoo...
        - i assum those "readers that posts thru web interface"
        are those using yahoo mail or hotmail etc..etc..

on my debian boxes...
        - exim and mailman is "debianized" and works in general

        - i d/l compiled mj/sendmail from the originating site
        to get it to work in lieu of the pre-packaged broken mta/ml

to get rid of other peoples propaganda on your mailing lists
- host your mailing list on your own servers ??? ( lists.dyndns.org ?? )

sendmail or exim... ( pick your mta )
mailman or majordomo ... ( pick your poison )

my past experiences with debian.. ( sendmail + majordomo )
for lots-of- virtual domains ( over a dozen - simple/fast/easy/cloneable)
        - good thing is i learned m4 ...nice toy...i wonder why
        people still try to read/edit the sendmail.cf jibberish
        ( to find the security holes ?? )

and mailman and exim supposed to work good too
        - didnt get exim-3.2x(?) or later working right w/ majordomo 
for majordomo guis and searchable archives apps..

for web-based email posting to your list... 
( replacing yahoo mail that inserts their propaganda ?? )
        - you'd need to create new accounts for them so that they
        can seamlessly post again etc w/o having to re-subscribe

        - web-based email apps

        - you might need to "de-mime/de-junkized" incoming email posts
        to your list that originated from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        - i suppose they can still post emails from their yahoo account..

have fun linuxing

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Paul 'Baloo' Johnson wrote:

> I'm in an interesting position where I need to move a mailing list from
> Yahoo.  The users on the list are currently fed up with Yahoo attaching
> huge ads to every message, it's unreliability and ever-changing TOS.
> I got volunteered to take on this project.
> Is there a majordomo package or a majordomo workalike (from the user
> perspective) in Debian, that works with Exim?
> Furthermore, about a quarter of the readership reads and posts
> exclusively through the web interface.  Is there a web-board like thing
> that will mirror a mailing list and allow posting from subscribers and
> web board members?
> -- 
> Baloo
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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