On 20-Jan-2002 Kevin B. McCarty wrote: > If you are running unstable, do NOT upgrade the base-passwd package!!! > Version 3.2.2 has a critical bug which causes it to swap the UIDs and GIDs > for users in the /etc/passwd file. (See bug reports #130032 and 130085.) > > I found this out the hard way. The simple fix if it's already happened to > you: copy the backup file "/etc/passwd.org" over top of the new file > "/etc/passwd". >
if you lack backup files for some reason (as I did) this command will get you going: awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"}{x=$4;$4=$3;$3=x;print;}' < /etc/passwd > /etc/passwd.fixed then cp passwd.fixed over passwd. The problem is the uid and gid fields have been swapped.