On Sun, Jan 20, 2002 at 08:20:02AM +0000, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 19, 2002 at 10:00:17PM -0700, Asura wrote:
> > 
> > > Completely unattended upgrades are a worthwhile goal, but they aren't
> > > possible in the general case yet.
> > 
> > I am interested in this because if I'm at home, and telnet to my linux
> > which is at work, I'd like to tell it to upgrade remotely without having
> > to stay online for hours while it downloads and installs the updates.
> > 
> > In this case, I'd like it to download the gnome desktop packages and it'd
> > be ready when I come back into work on Monday.  Otherwise, I'd either have
> > to stay onthe phone, or wait until I get to work--in either case, its a
> > loss of productive time for me.
> Why not set up a cron job to:
> apt-get update; apt-get --download-only upgrade

oops. It should have been:
apt-get update; apt-get --yes --download-only upgrade

> That should let the (lengthy) download happen unattended. And when you
> feel like it then you can perform the installation as normal with:
> # apt-get upgrade 
> (*without* the --download-only switch).

Karl E. Jørgensen
==== Today's fortune:
Math is like love -- a simple idea but it can get complicated.
                -- R. Drabek

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