
Anyone gotten a recent version of RXTX to work either by:

1) Compiling from source
2) Using the RXTX binaries
3) Alien-izing an RPM or other package?

I have some people that I work with claiming that RXTX isn't working with
debian even though it "works fine with redhat" and therefore we should
make the "obvious choice" and switch to redhat.

I have been told we need RXTX to have Java software talk to a modem/serial
port through sun's comm.jar. All I have heard from the developers on the
project is that it compiles on RH but we can't get it to compile on

If someone could provide me with links, feedback, suggestions, I'd be more
than appreciative. I would also take opinions on OTHER methods (besides
RXTX) to have Java talk straight to a modem/serial port.


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