On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, Stan Brown wrote:

>I'm trying to set up a Debian woody system to replicate what I've had
>working on a HP-UX box for several years.
>Here is how it goes. I use fetchmail to retireve email from several
>different POP accounts. Fetchmail then invokes procmail, via the .forward
>file. Procmail uses the spambouncer recipies from spambouncer.org to filter
>the email, and it's either sent to my defaul mailbox, or put into various

I would strongly suggest using exim rather than sendmail, for a few

1) You need to understand sendmail rather well to get it working properly

2) Sendmail is probably far more powerful than you need it to be.

3) Exim's Debian package will ask you how you want to set it up!!! It
gives you the option of using a user account at an ISP, feed with
fetchmail, and rewriting the outgoing emails using a smart host (the SMTP
server at your ISP).

Just install exim, or run eximconfig, select option 2, and answer the
prompts (Hint: your visible name is your hostname (fully qualified) on
your local network.

Then just put your email addresses mapping to local users in


I found that I needed to make a small modification to /etc/exim/exim.conf
to get this to work correctly (I think it may be a bug, haven't checked)

# This goes in the sections named ``REWRITE CONFIGURATION''
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     ${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\
                        {$value}fail} bcfrF

Note that eximconfig made what is bcfrF frFs, I had to change this, else
the From: lines on outgoing email were not rewritten.

BTW. exim will run procmail for you, so you should remove it from

If you really want to use sendmail, I suggest you read the
Sendmail-Rewrite-HOWTO (mini?).

Cameron Kerr

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