Thomas Krennwallner wrote:
> Mark Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The escapes are for BOLD text, and by using zcat manual.txt.gz you will
> > see the bold text, but it'll just scroll by too fast :).
> more works for me. Should someone file a bug against mutt for the F1
> hotkey?

I think mutt justs uses iso8859 charset and you are not using it.
Therefore there is a character set mismatch.  It is really hard to
call it a bug to use an iso8859 character set.

Is this what you guys are talking about?

    A "character set" is simply a description of which charac
    ters are to be considered  normal,  control,  and  binary.
    The LESSCHARSET environment variable may be used to select
    a character set.  Possible values for LESSCHARSET are:


              Selects an ISO 8859 character  set.   This  is  the
              same  as  ASCII,  except characters between 160 and
              255 are treated as normal characters.

  export LESSCHARSET=iso8859

Does that make your problem go away?


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