On Tue, 18 Mar 2003 14:55:26 -0800 Curtis Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I must be really stupid, so forgive me, but I can't figure out for the
> life of me how to use the diff command. I've read the man pages and 
> looked at some stuff on the internet, but I can't get it to do what I 
> want it to do.  But then maybe it doesn't do what I want it to do.
> Basically, the issue is this, I have 2 files: File1 File2
> Both are text files. File1 was File2 a day ago. Since then File2 has
> had additional information tagged on to it (it's a log file). All I
> want to see is what information has been added since yesterday.  So, I
> would think that "diff File2 File1" should provide me with that
> information. But all I ever get is a message that the files differ.  I
> have tried with various arguments, but no luck.

As your comments imply, you suspect diff is treating at least one of
these files as a binary file, in which case diff will only tell you
whether they are different.

To override any defaults or automatic file detection, you can use the
"-a" flag to diff to force it to treat both files as text.

Manual pages are wonderful things. :-P

To find out the root cause of the problem, you might like to run the
"file" utility on each of the files you are attempting to compare:
perhaps one of the really is (or does look like) a binary file.

Hope this helps

Michael Wardle
Adacel Technologies

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