Hi Jeremy,

sorry for sending the last mail twice but the GMX webinterface is
very terrible to use with Mozilla.

I get sendmail working with address rewriting and without using a
smart host.

The problem was that /etc/mail/genericsdomain just stored my domain
name but not my local host name. After adding that everything works
as expected.




On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 02:07:14PM -0500, Jeremy L. Gaddis wrote:
> I use sendmail's genericstable feature without any
> problems.  It rewrites the addresses for all my (home
> network) users as their email heads out the mail gateway.
> If you can tell us what problems you were having, perhaps
> we can help you.
> genericstable was really easy to get going.  Simply put
> a list of all domains you want addresses rewritten for
> in /etc/mail/genericsdomain.  For example, on the internal
> side of my network, I use @home.lan addresses.  These get
> rewritten when mail passes through the outgoing mail gateway.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:pts/0:~]$ cat /etc/mail/genericsdomain
> home.lan
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:pts/0:~]$ grep ^jeremy /etc/mail/genericstable
> jeremy          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This shows that for any email that comes in with a From address
> of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", it should be rewritten as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> sendmail doesn't use the plain-text genericstable file, however.  You
> need to generate a hashed db file using:
> `makemap -r hash genericstable.db < genericstable`.
> HTH.
> j.
> --
> Jeremy L. Gaddis     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sven Gaerner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 6:58 AM
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Sendmail Config
> Hi,
> I got a problem with sendmail's config.
> I'm using the cyrus imapd and sendmail as MTA on one machine.
> This machine is MXed as internal mail server. Internal email is sent
> as expected but sendmail tries to send external mails with my internal
> email address. Therefore freemailer like GMX are rejecting this mails
> because my sender domain is not resolvable.
> I tried using genericstable feature to rewrite my internal address. I
> also tried to send my email to my gateway machine that should masquerade
> emails to come from gmx.net.
> Both didn't work.
> If you have any information that may help to solve this please CC
> it to me because I'm not subcribed yet.
> Thanks in advance.
> Bye
> Sven
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