30, I am from Belgium, I am a "research engineer" but in fact, I am very
new at
telecom. Previously, I was a researcher in Mathematics. Single, half
cast (father
african et mother belgium).

I use linux-unix since I am 20 :O) (oh okay! :O) ) I am not really a
(code sucks :OP !) but i like technology and understand things :O) (

I use Red Hat or Debian (when I succeed in installing thaht on my
laptop) on my
laptop (in dual boot with Windows NT but chhhuuttt ! :OP). I have some
about computer science

Charles Baker wrote:

> Forgot to mention that I am African-American. I do
> have a degree in Computer Science (Yale dropout class
> of 88, finally graduated from Univ of Tennessee at
> Chattanooga 99). I program mostly in Java and Perl,
> though I long for Python. I've been using Linux since
> Redhat 5.0. Started w/ Slink in late 99 or early 2000.
> Debian is my preferred distro now, gotta love apt-get
> and the free software ethos displayed bu the debian
> volunteers!
> =====
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