On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 05:13:11PM -0600, Adam Majer wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 12:13:55AM -0500, Alec wrote:
> > Joris, you want to switch to a proprietary platform just to get your 
> > scanner 
> > to work?! I understand that Lindows will cost $99 (I'm not sure what they 
> > are 
> > going to do about GPL in their code) Firstly, Lindows is likely to be 
> > killed 
> They _have_ to release their code free if they are selling their
> program... AFAiK, there is no problem if they sell GPL program
> but they have to allow access to source free.

But which GPL programs will they be using?  If it's a Linux
distribution that imitates Windows XXXX, then it probably just
contains the kernel, X and Wine.  Of course, the kernel is GPL'd, but
I doubt they would need to make any modifications to it.  X and Wine
are under BSD-ish licenses, so modifications to them do not have to be
released at all (witness the commercial X servers and Transgamings
proprietary WineX).

> IMHO, if they don't, Free Software Foundation should sue them for
> breaking the license - heck, using the stupid Millinium Copyright
> Act!!! :-0 That would be nice for a change.

The FSF can only get involved in cases where they have copyright; i.e.
GNU software.

> BUT, on their site it says:
> "
>  Lindows.com Licensing Information
> Lindows.com respects all applicable licensing and is proud to be
> a strong supporter of the Open Source community by helping to
> advance several Open Source initiatives. Coming soon to this page
> will be information, links and resources for obtaining source
> code and licensing information for any applicable software. "

Again, only for copylefted software, BSD-ish stuff can stay


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