
   I am running woody with kernel 2.4.17. I had apache and apache-ssl
   but the apache was for some reason not working. The versions was
   1.3.19-1.  I was connecting to the internet from my home through
   my isp. I was able to connect to the outside with my browsers, both
   http and ftp. Recently I upgraded to I believe 1.3.22 and I
   discovered that though I could telnet and ftp from the command
   line, all of the browsers I tried ( netscape, mozilla, opera) are
   unable to locate any server with http or ftp. 

   With netscape I get the message the the servers home.netscape.com
   home6.netscape.com and internic.net couold not be reached and that
   this would mean that some or all servers could not be reached. The
   message said that there was a problem with the name server, and to
   set the environment variable $SOCKS_NS$. I set this variable to
   a name server at my university but it did not work. Should I set
   this to the name server at my ISP (I do not know what this is). 
   Why was this problem not present before? Or is there some other
   problem. dpkg -C shows that no packages are half-configured.
   Could the upgrade have removed some necessary package? How do
   I proceed?

   Thanks for any suggestions.

Sebastian Canagaratna
Department of Chemistry
Ohio Northern University

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