I have problem with printing from RedHat to coputer with Debian (307-4).
>From another computer (Debian ...) printing works good.
>From computer with RedHat: 
~$ lpr printcap
~$ lpq
Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'galprint' (dest [EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Queue: no printable jobs in queue
 Server: no server active
 Status: job 'cfA300localhost.localdomain' saved at 15:56:29.307
 Rank   Owner/ID                  Class Job Files                 Size
done   root                         A   300 printcap               107
Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'Printer1 auto'
 Queue: no printable jobs in queue
 Status: job 'cfA020ADDR307-4.mao.kiev.ua' saved at 16:02:41.222
When I am printig from this computer to other (no Debian) printing works!
This is mystery!!!
I am using LPRng on all computers.

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