On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 11:31:41PM -0000, David S wrote: :Hi, I recently got a copy of debian 2.2r4 through one of the official vendors on the debian website and i'm having trouble accessing the x window system : :this is the error message i get when initx or startx command is used: : :_exec of usr/bin/x11/xf86_NONE failed :_x11transSocketUNIXConnect can't connect: errno= (111) :giving up :xinit:connection refused (errno 111) unable to connect to xserver :no such process (errno 3) server error
Hmmm, your *first* problem is that XFree86 isn't installed :I've heard about problems with the geforce2 mx400/linux and since using this card have had trouble using graphics with other distros as well (mandrake, suse) Your *second* problem is that XFree86 version 3.3.x doesn't support your video card and "stable" doesn't have version 4.x yet. Fear not, you can add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list : ######################## # XFree86 v4.x support # ######################## deb http://people.debian.org/~cpbotha/ xf410_potato/i386/ deb http://people.debian.org/~cpbotha/ xf410_potato/all/ then as root: apt-get update apt-get install xserver-xfree86 xbase-clients xutils xterm xprt I'm not sure you need to specify all of those, some may be pulled in as dependencies but being explicit can't hurt. your *third* problem will be getting the /etc/XF86Config-4 file right, if the tools don't do the magic for you, email me directly and I'll send a base config that should work ok (though probably not to the full capacity of your monitor). I support alot of systems with nVidia cards so I have a generic config lying around your *fourth* problem will be getting hardware 3D acceleration working. In the testing branch there's some wrapper .debs for pulling in the non-redistributable nVidia kernel module and OpenGL libraries, but I have a howto (not the best, but a start) at: http://www.ai.mit.edu/lab/sysadmin/debian/nvidia.html Sweet system, though perhaps a little bleeding edge for Debian "stable" near the end (I hope :) of a release cycle. HTH, -Jon