On 17 Mar 2003, Bill Wohler wrote:
>   Anyone know of any spam filter reviews?
>   I went from junkfilter to spamfilter and I'm currently using
>   spamassassin. But for some reason, I've gone from 1 or 2 messages in
>   my +inbox to day to dozens. Are there other filters that are more
>   state of the art? Can anyone compare spamassassin with spamprobe?
> --

I installed bogofilter about 10 days ago and have been extremely
impressed. Previously with spamassassin I was getting several
false-negatives daily but now I hardly ever get even one. The training
scheme seems to be very effective. The same applies to false-positives;
there were a few to start with but those, too, have now been eliminated.


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