Using a brute-force dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot on the lilypond source package results in a build failure. The last three lines of stdout show:
bison -d parser.yy mv out/parser.hh make[2]: Leaving directory `/xa/build/debian/lilypond-1.4.9/lily' make[1]: Leaving directory `/xa/build/debian/lilypond-1.4.9' My attempt at diagnostics is crude at best. From the little I learned from the man page of the command in question, I was able to produce the following not too helpful error output: gamma:/builder/lilypond-1.4.9$ cd lily gamma:/builder/lilypond-1.4.9/lily$ bison -d parser.yy -v parser.yy contains 2 shift/reduce conflicts. Are there any bison gurus out there. Or is this a mere symptom of an altogether different problem?