"Andrew Pritchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>   Anyone know of any spam filter reviews?
>>   I went from junkfilter to spamfilter and I'm currently using
>>   spamassassin. But for some reason, I've gone from 1 or 2 messages in
>>   my +inbox to day to dozens. Are there other filters that are more
>>   state of the art? Can anyone compare spamassassin with spamprobe?
> I installed SpamAssassin (testing) last week and went away for the weekend.
> I usually get 20-30 spams over the weekend in my Inbox. I came home from an
> extended weekend away - not one spam in my Inbox.

  You only get ~10 spams/day? I get hundreds. Serves me right for
  maintaining an FAQ and other valuable Internet resources.

  I just read http://www.paulgraham.com/spam.html and am convinced that
  filters like spamassassin won't keep up and that Baysian filters are
  the way to go.
  One other filter I read about is ESR's bogofilter, whose Debian
  description appeals to me more than Debian's spamprobe description.

  I'll probably end up trying both, but would still appreciate hearing
  others' experiences.

Bill Wohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://www.newt.com/wohler/  GnuPG ID:610BD9AD
Maintainer of comp.mail.mh FAQ and MH-E. Vote Libertarian!
If you're passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane.

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