>    From: "Doc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    Can someone explain what the error "neighbor table overflow"
>    signifies, please?
>    Also, what about errno: 111?  (from X11transSocket UNIX Connect)
> Not sure what "neighbor table overflow" is, but errno 111 is
> ECONNREFUSED ("Connection refused").  This probably means that the X
> server wasn't running when an X client tried to connect to it.  (There
> are other ways this can happen, but they involve packet filtering and
> are less likely in the context of a new installation.)
> You can look up all errno codes in "/usr/include/asm/errno.h".

Same error here when installing on an amd 750 w/256 mg o' ram. Appeared when 
x was configging to install. See the "x-install problems" post.


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