If you want an open source just calendar web based software

iŽll have to recommend http://sourceforge.net/projects/webcalendar/

YouŽll need just Apache, and PHP. This is the best multi language calendar I
ever seen, very simple, flexible and robust. You can easily modify for your

For any kind of support(if you need) contact me.. I guarantee.

Guilherme Viebig
WebCalendar user and administrator.
Debian -  because code matters more than comercials....

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Sherohman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "debian users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: caendar recommendations

> On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 01:57:11PM -0500, Matt Price wrote:
> > I'm looking for a calendar program (not a full groupware suite) that I
> > can use from home and at work.
> What do you intend to use it for?
> > At home I use a mac, so I would need
> > either something that makes the calendar web-accessible (and
> > password-protected),or (less desirable) a text-based calendar that I
> > can access via ssh.
> You may find this usable:
> http://sherohman.org/software/index.html#LowCal
> The version called "current" there is an Apache module, which makes
> it a bit of a PITA to install, but I'm currently finishing up a CGI
> version (with user logins and better web-based administration), which
> is a lot easier to set up.  The main thing missing from the rewrite
> at this point is support for automatically creating instances of
> recurring events (although the original version's lowcal-update.pl
> will work with it).
> Oh, and my development platform for the new version is a PowerBook
> running OSX, so I know it's Mac-friendly on both the client side and
> the server side.
> --
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> White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important
> we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
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> --
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