On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 10:42:21AM -0500, Mark L. Kahnt wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-03-16 at 23:19, Trey Sizemore wrote:
> > Looking for a good download accelerator (similar to...Download
> > Accelerator...).  What are some of the favorites out there.
> For me, the only things that really worked were things like, oh, DSL,
> Cable, ISDN, my own T3 - actually getting the bigger pipes. So much
> incoming is already as compressed as it can be, with the exception of

Well, if the bottleneck on a given download is at your local connection,
then yes.  But if you already have DSL or cable (or your own T3,
whatever), and you're downloading a file that exists on several mirrors,
all of them busy so that there's a bottleneck at *their* end when you
start downloading...
In that case, a multi-source downloader can make a huge difference to
the net transfer rate.
Back in my Windoze days, I used to have great fun saturating my DSL line
with GetRight... and I had wondered about download managers under Debian
myself (Though it hadn't made it to the top of my stack of priorities
>    -ScruLoose-     |      Any fine morning, a power saw can fell a tree     <
>   Please do not    |           that took a thousand years to grow.          <
>  reply off-list.   |   -Edwin Way Teale, naturalist and author (1899-1980)  <

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