On Wednesday 02 January 2002 01:53, Randolph S. Kahle wrote:
> I started researching how to get sound working on my machine and I am
> confused about the following:
>     * ALSA
>     * OSS

You probably know what the letters stands for. The practical difference 
between the two is that OSS (the lite version in any case) is in the 
kernel source. ALSA is supposed to be the future of Linux sound, but as 
of now you have to go the extra mile/km of installing some extra 
packages. OSS, if you're lucky, should work out oft the box. To 
maintain compatibility with the OSS majority, ALSA has an OSS emulation 
layer. Use that if you can't get your favorite video player to work 
with ALSA proper (that is you can do "videoplayer --audio OSS" instead 
of "videoplayer --audio ALSA").

Sir Isaac Newton:
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

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