On Saturday 29 December 2001 11:09, martin f krafft wrote:
> yo!
> i've seen it done before, but i can't remember how. i believe it was
> a gnome feature, but there's got to be a way to do this underneath
> any desktop environment... when i insert a CDROM, i want it to be
> available without having to mount. conversely, i always want to be
> able to just eject without umount. how can one enable this? any
> docs/links/howtos?

I'm sure it's a kernel feature. I first saw it on Mandrake. I disabled 
it because I've heard somebody say that it actually slows down the 
system. Watch the cdrom's lights intermittently blink.

Sir Isaac Newton:
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

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