>>>>> "Imre" == Imre Vida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Imre> As far as info is concerned, i fully agree with Karsten.  It
    Imre> doesn't work intuitively for me either; i just get lost in
    Imre> the maze of links and 3 sentence pages....  I hate it for
    Imre> this.

It's not man versus info - some variety of documentation format should
be tolerable. And I, personally don't dislike info ...

    Imre> The lack of manpages, and outdated manpages are frustrating.
    Imre> And what Karsten brought up is also a nice idea: to have
    Imre> examples in man pages. There are some manpages with examples
    Imre> but most of them are without although they are really
    Imre> helpful.

That's a good point. Having examples in manuals should be nearly
mandatory. It speeds up understanding and usability a lot. Help out
with them ... 

(Dr.) Michael Hummel
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