Dear Debian friends,

maybe you remember me as an active former Debian developer who left the
project some months ago. I now sell all my Debian and Linux literature on
Ebay and therefore would like to inform you about the concerning links.
These books and journals are certainly very valuable for many Debian users
and developers, and represent an original sales price of more than 500,-
EURO. Since I offer each item for a start price of only 1,- EURO (or 1,- $),
I hope that this information is sufficiently on-topic and interesting to be
not considered as spam on this list.

Happy New Year and happy linuxing,
Guenter Bechly


Michael Bellomo (2000) "Debian GNU/Linux for Dummies", IDG Books, 324 pages
and 2 CDs, paperback. Original price (Germany) was 80,27 DM! Very good

Mario Camou & John Goerzen & Aaron van Couwenberghe (2000) "Debian GNU/Linux
2.1 Unleashed", SAMS, 1119 pages (!) and 1 CD, paperback. Original price
(Germany) was 122,10 DM! Very good condition.

Bill McCarty (1999) "Learning Debian GNU/Linux", O'Reilly, 343 pages and 1
CD, paperback. Original price (Germany) was 75,- DM! Very good condition.

John Goerzen & Ossama Othman (1999) "Debian GNU/Linux - Guide to
Installation and Usage", New Riders, 158 pages and 1 CD, paperback. Original
price (Germany) was 78,58 DM! Very good condition.

Thomas Down (1999) "Installing Debian GNU/Linux", SAMS, 197 pages and 1 CD,
paperback. Original price (Germany) was 54,95 DM! Very good condition. You
also get the printed edition of the original "Debian Installation Guide" as
free additional item.

I also offer the following two German Debian books:

Peter H. Ganten (2000) "Debian GNU/Linux", Springer, 792 pages; paperback;
good condition. Original price 79,90 DM. This is THE German Debian handbook
and one of the best German Linux books at all (besides Kofler)!

Frank Ronneburg (2001) "Debian GNU/Linux Anwenderhandbuch", Addison-Wesley +
Lehmanns, 600 pages, hardcover. Original price 49,90 DM. Very good

Finally, I offer various other Linux books and Journals, such as:

Two complete year-volumes of "Linux Journal" from issue Jan./97 to Dec./98,
including all special issues (e.g. Buyer's Guide), plus first three issues
of 1999. Totally 31 issues in very good condition.

44 issues of the German "Linux Magazin" from issue 01/1998 to issue 08/2001,
as well as the three special issues "Best of Vol. 1, 2, 3" that include all
articles of volume 1997. The original price for all these journals was about
480,- DM! All journals are in very good condition!

Nikolaus Schlueter (1997) "Der Gcc-Compiler - Ueberblick und Bedienung",
bhv, 199 pages. The German handbook for the Handbuch GNU Compiler. Original
price 59,80 DM. Very good condition.

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