Hi there,

slightly off-topic, but it happened on a Debian system and maybe some of
you know the answer.

I just lost both my secret and public GnuPG keyrings for the second
time.  I've been using GnuPG along with mutt for about three month now,
and today mutt complained that it couldn't find my secret key, when
trying to sign a message.  And, yep, `gpg --list-keys` lists only two
keys, probably the most recently imported, which happens automagically
with mutt.  I restored my keyrings from backup, and now everything works
fine, but this is the second time this has happened, and I don't really
have a clue why.

Actually, I didn't shut my machine down yesterday, I just hit the big
red switch.  However, the system had been idle for straight 6 hours
except for watching TV with xawtv.  I also use ext3, so I don't think
that file corruption would be an issue.

System: Debian Sid, 1 month since last dist-upgrade
Kernel: Linux 2.4.16
Mutt: 1.3.23-4
GnuPG: 1.0.6-2

Viktor Rosenfeld
WWW: http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/

Attachment: pgp1Uw6KmYENB.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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