Hello, Had posted this problem and got some pointers. Am back with some questions. Kindly bear with me.
I have installed mozilla 0.9.6-8 on my woody machine and galeon 1.0-2. Everything works fine except that I cannot access the sites supporting https, like secure login at yahoo mail. I have installed the mozilla-psm also, which should enable me to use https. Neither mozilla nor galeon connets to https sites/pages. What more packages need to be installed/configured to get the same working? I even downloaded mozilla-0.9.7-1 and tried with that. Same results. But galeon distributed conflicts with mozilla-0.9.7 :-( Does somebody know where I can get a deb of galeon which does not conflict with mozilla 0.9.7? Thanks, -- Sridhar M.A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] "The following is not for the weak of heart or Fundamentalists." -- Dave Barry