On Sun, Dec 23, 2001 at 07:22:34PM -0800, Paul A. Thomas wrote:
| Newbie question if I may?
| Today is Sunday, 12-23-01:  Should I be able to access the ISO images
| for Debian Linux at   cdimage.debian.org  ?

Time doesn't matter.  There aren't ISOs on cdimage.debian.org, but
that site provides instructions for obtaining ISOs.

| I've also tried a few of the mirrors without any luck finding it.

The mirrors you looked for are likely ftp mirrors, and they hold the
packages that make up the distribution.  ISOs are only on rsync
servers (see the psuedo-image-kit instructions).  There are a few
sites that provide the ISOs via http or ftp though.

| Could anybody direct me to an alternative site which carries the latest
| .. stable? .. ISO image?

www.linuxiso.org has ISO images available via http or ftp.



A)bort, R)etry, B)ang it with a large hammer

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