Karsten & Frank...

Thank you both very much for your time. 2 gig is on the small side as far as 
drive sizes go these days..but as this box goes..it's whole mission in life 
will be to serve as a proxy..which I've been SO unsuccesful at so far..lol. 
Squid btw  :-). If there are any others (proxies) that are of mention I'd 
really love to hear about them (a linux ver. of analog x perhaps).

There's great info in both of those posts..way more than enough to get me on 
my way. 

Debian is quite a trip so far...it saw my zoom isa modem (which 8.1 failed to 
do ) but beyond that I can't even get past the install..lol . A variety of 
errors which I believe I'm making headway on..so undeterred I'm on my way 
again  :-)

Happy holidays ya'll  :-)


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