When performing a kernel upgrade via 'apt-get -f dist-upgrade' I get the warning message
A new kernel image has been installed, and usually that means that some action has to be taken to make sure that the new kernel image is used next time the machine boots. Usually, the entails running a "bootloader" like grub, SILO, loadlin, LILO, QUIK, or booting from a floppy. A new kernel image has been installed. LILO sets up your system to boot Linux directly from your hard drive, without the need for a boot floopy. WARNING If you are keeping another operating system or another version of Linux on a seperate disk partition, you should not have LILO install a boot block now. Wait until you read the LILO documentation. This is because installing a boot block now might make the other system un-bootable. If you only want to run this version of Linux, go ahead and install the boot block here. If it does not work, you can still boot this system from a floopy. Would you like to create a boot floppy now ? Er.... what should I do????!! I do have Windoze running on an another partition. Should I create a boot floppy? Presumably it'll shortly prompt me for installing a boot block, which I guess I don't want. Should I then be making some changes to some LILO config files to boot from the new kernel image. Think I'm rather out my depth here. Help!! Thanks, Simon. -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]