On Tuesday 18 December 2001 05:08, Michael P. Soulier wrote: > On 17/12/01 Andrew Perrin did speaketh: > > Greetings folks- > > > > I just wanted to tell you about an out-of-the-box success with > > wine. A textbook company sent me a Windows-only CD-ROM with > > software for creating exams from their texbooks. (As it turns out > > the software is nearly useless, but that's neither here nor there.) > > I decided to try it under wine (debian woody distribution > > version), not expecting much. > > > > It worked flawlessly, no hacks or problems whatsoever! I'm very > > impressed with the progress that's been made in the last year or so > > since I last tried it. > > I tried to install quicktime with it from the .exe a few days ago, > and it just hung.
I am watching the Spiderman 320 trailer right now. Better than webcam quality. -- Sir Isaac Newton: "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."