On Sun, 2001-12-16 at 16:09, Wayne Sitton wrote:

> > It seems you have a problem with your install. Which Evo do you use? Do
> > you mix Ximian and Debian debs or anything like that? 
> 1.0, Yes I did mix.  I tried Ximian's Gnome a while back on a different
> box, and found it installed/changed too much Debian stuff and started
> causing problems with some othere stuff.  So in this case I just
> installed what I needed to get running.

Get rid of all Ximian packages and install a strictly debian gnome. The
two simply don't mix

> > Oh come on.
> Sorry, most of what I wrote was out of frustration.

Yeah, I know the feeling, and I've cursed the exim people a lot in the
past days, too, in private. But let's remember what we get (software,
knowledge, freedom, community) by all those great people doing the hard
work.  And Evo is a seriouslx cool piece of software

Kind regards, M.

I did not vote for the Austrian government

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