#include <hallo.h> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Sun Dec 16, 2001 um 04:20:50AM: > hi, > do i need the vesa stuff to run fbset in 1024x768 mode? Trying to change from > 640x480 on console up to 1024x768 produces the error message that this mode > is not allowed.
Of course. VESAFB is bad designed and cannot change resolution after beeing enabled. You can only specify other boot params, something like vga=317. Gruss/Regards, Eduard. -- Lambda-Kalkuel ist fuer Hacker so was wie das, was fuer Jedis "Die Macht" darstellt. Das, worauf man zurueckgreift, wenn man ganz abartig schwierige Dinge erledigen muss. -- tf in #debian.de