* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 16. 2001 01:54]: > My two computers with fixed IP's can ping each other but telnet says > "unable to connect to remote host" I would guess it might have to do > with file permissions. I just need this because of the X lockups I get > often enough to be a problem.
> TIA for hints as to where to look or what I should be reading. Do you have a telnet daemon running on the remote host? If so, check the remote hosts' /etc/hosts.deny and hosts.allow. man 5 hosts_access You should really be using ssh. Any reason why you're stuck on telnet? -- Brian Clark | Debian GNU/Linux: 3950 packages to keep you busy. Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8 $ mount -t neuro /dev/brain /mnt/head