jeffrin  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
J> It is said that emacs is single threaded.


J> * Why is it so ?
J> * Is there any work in progress to make it multithreaded ?
J> * Is there any disadvantage or disadvantages if it is
J>   multithreaded.

Well, aside from the buzzword-coolness, there's nothing intrinsically
better about multithreaded applications in most cases.  Even if Emacs
were multithreaded, you wouldn't notice unless you were doing a fairly
restricted set of things, generally involving doing large amounts of
processing within Emacs proper.  (Gnus does tend to, though; the main
side-effects would be Emacs redrawing while it's processing and being
able to do other things while Gnus is slurping in mail.)

That having been said, it's a major pain to write safe, reliable
multithreaded code, especially for something as big as Emacs that has
a lot of legacy code.  Consider the problem of doing a background
update for something like Gnus: you'd not only need a multithreaded
backend in the Emacs C code, you'd also need multithreaded Lisp.
Which means you'd need to rewrite *all* of the existing elisp code out
there to be thread-aware, which is just painful.

David Maze         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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